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    Eyebrow Permanent Makeup (Microblading) Before and After Photos

    Eyebrow Permanent Makeup (Microblading) Before and After PhotosEyebrow Permanent Makeup (Microblading) Before and After Photos

    Microblading, commonly known as eyebrow permanent makeup is a safe and effective non plastic surgery procedure to enhance the aesthetic appearance of brows.
    At the time of initial consultation the treatment provider will explain how the procedure will be performed, what are its benefits and limitations, and whether the patient may be a suitable candidate.
    Some providers may prefer to preset eyebrow permanent makeup microblading before and after photographs at the first appointment.
    Modern Body Contouring and Laser Center, led by board certified plastic surgeons, provides eyebrow permanent makeup or microblading to patients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg and surrounding locations in this area on the east coast.

    What are Microblading Before and After Pictures?

    Before and after images in case of eyebrow permanent makeup or microblading refer to a pair or group of pictures pertaining to an earlier patient who has received the same treatment with successful results. The pictures include images taken prior to the treatment and after the treatment at a time when the initial redness and mild swelling has been resolved and full effects on the upper face are visible.
    The treatment provider will obtain these photographs with the consent of the patient and present them before new patients in an appropriate manner. The purpose here is to use the photos as a visual tool to explain various aspects of permanent eyebrow makeup to new patients and help them make an informed choice.
    This amazing point will be mentioned down below again but it really cannot be said enough. These online pictures enable any patient to see what to expect before they sign up for any type of treatment. This means that the patient and the doctor are more on the same page which means consultations are generally easier on both parties.  


    When a candidate is considering microblading treatment to enhance their eyebrow appearance, they may be concerned about how it may change their upper face profile, and whether it will meet their personal aesthetic needs. Some patients may only require limited or a subtle improvement to the brows, while some others may need a more intensive treatment.
    In some cases, eyebrow permanent makeup may be recommended in conjunction with other surgical or non-surgical facial procedures to create more natural looking and harmonious results. With the help of before and after photos, the treatment provider will be able to ensure that the patient makes the right decisions and stays correctly informed about the procedure.

    Realistic Expectations

    Experienced treatment providers recognize that best outcomes in any aesthetic procedure are generally achieved when the patient has a positive outlook, clear goals and realistic expectations.
    Therefore, they may like to provide eyebrow permanent makeup before and after photos at the very outset to ensure that the patient knows exactly what to expect and what not to expect from the treatment. This will minimize the chances of any disappointment occurring at a later stage.

    Photos on the Web

    The treatment provider has the option to include before and after photos in a dedicated Photo Gallery section on their website which Dr. Sundin does in this case with acumen. New patients can simply access these photos online in the privacy of their home or office as already indicated, and then decide whether to visit the practice for a personal microblading consultation. It is a brave new world!
    Experienced plastic surgeons Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin at MBody receive patients from Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and nearby areas for permanent eyebrow makeup.
    What really needs to be mentioned here is digital technology. There is not one major industry in this world that has not felt the amazing presence of this new technology. With the power of the Internet anyone can see these pictures without having to drive anywhere. In fact, patients can make vital decisions in this regard without having to call anyone.
    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

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