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    Local Anesthesia Procedure: Fat Grafting of The Hands

    Local Anesthesia Procedure: Fat Grafting of The Hands

    Fat Grafting of The Hands

    Efforts don’t just need to be focused on the face, but the hands too for combating the signs of aging. Hands experience the same amount of fat and collagen loss as the face. This leaves the tendons and veins on the hands more exposed. Fat grafting can help towards revitalizing the appearance of the hands in a similar manner as using dermal fillers for hand rejuvenation. It helps in increasing the volume for a more youthful appearance.

    Modern Body Contouring and Laser Center, led by board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Burton M. Sundin and Dr. Reps B. Sundin, provides safe and proven local anesthesia cosmetic procedures to patients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and surrounding communities.

    How is Fat Grafting of the Hands Performed?

    Liposuction procedure needs to be performed first for collecting fat for grafting on the hands. Typically, fat is collected from the thighs, hips, and stomach area. But, it can be collected from anywhere on the body which has excess deposits of fatty tissue. A small incision will be made at the donor area after it is cleansed and anesthetized.

    The surgeon will insert a cannula through this after infiltrating it with tumescent fluid. This is a combination of lidocaine, saline, and epinephrine. Fat will be first dislodged and then collected in a container. The donor area will then be bandaged using compression garment for reducing swelling and bruising. The collected fat will be purified and prepared for grafting.

    A pilot hole will be made at the wrist using a small needle. The cannula will distribute the collected fat to deficient areas in the hands. Your body will reabsorb 30 – 50% of the fat, which is why excess fat is injected. The cannula will be removed once the procedure is complete. Even distribution of fat will be ensured by massaging the hands.

    The goal of this cosmetic surgery procedure is to add volume to wrinkled hands for covering underlying tendons and vessels.

    Candidates for Hand Grafting

    Suitable candidates would have enough fat in donor sites for fat grafting. Patients should also be in good overall health.

    Benefits of Fat Transfer in the Hands

    Once fat integrates with the tissue in the hands, it stays permanent. This is in sharp contrast with dermal filler treatments that need to be repeated every 6 – 9 months.

    Results of Fat Grafting in Hands

    Everybody reacts differently to fat grafting. However, results last for a long time. You may require top-up for maintaining the original effect at some point after the primary fat grafting plastic surgery for the hands.

    Recovery and Downtime

    Ice may be provided following the treatment for easing swelling and discomfort. The procedure doesn’t have a specific downtime. It is minimally invasive in nature and doesn’t involve scarring or local anesthesia. Your doctor may recommend MLD massage for quick healing depending on the amount of fat that is harvested.

    Is Fat Grafting of the Hands Safe?

    The risk of rejection is eliminated since the surgeon will inject fat harvested from your own body. Risk of associated infections, such as the ones with implants is also removed in this procedure.

    Modern Body Contouring and Laser Center, led by board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Burton M. Sundin and Dr. Reps B. Sundin, provides safe and proven local anesthesia cosmetic procedures to patients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and surrounding communities.


    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit or click here to contact us.

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

    Local Anesthesia Procedure: Little Liposuction With Renuvion

    Little Liposuction With Renuvion

    ‘Little’ in Little Liposuction stands for the key features of the procedure, including: Local anesthetic, In office, Tumescent, Technique, Liposuction, External Radiofrequency. The approach allows for doctors to quickly remove fat using radiofrequency energy.

    This is an advanced but less invasive plastic surgery technique which is effective for treating the inner thighs, abdomen, saddlebags, hips, upper arms, double chin, bra fat, and lower back. The entire procedure can be personalized for achieving optimal results.

    Combining Little Liposuction with Renuvion

    Little Liposuction with Renuvion may be a good solution if you are trying to get rid of stubborn areas of fat. This is a minimally invasive procedure which allows surgeons to tighten sagging skin on the back, abdomen, arms, neck, and legs.

    Renuvion is a CO2 laser skin resurfacing device which implements both plasma and radio frequency (RF) energy for producing skin tightening results. The procedure enhances skin tautness and muscle definition while reducing fat. It also emits RF energy with helium at the treatment area.

    The device will keep your skin comfortable while boosting collagen levels and improving skin laxity. Collagen is a form of protein that is responsible for keeping the skin thick and firm. It helps in revitalizing the skin for restoring an even and smoother texture.

    Synergistic Combination

    Renuvion and liposuction can be used in combination for achieving better results. The combination acquires superior results since both liposuction and Renuvion tightens the skin and sculpts the body. This results in a better shape with improved tightness and skin texture.

    You can shorten your recovery time and blood loss by using this technology. Patients can acquire truly transformative results by combining Little Lipo and Renuvion together and applying it to other areas of the body for comprehensive improvements.

    Benefits of Renuvion and Little Liposuction

    • Efficiently liquefies and removes fat
    • No visible scarring
    • Smoothens and tightens the skin
    • Quick recovery time
    • Minimally invasive
    • Natural appearance
    • Long lasting results

    Treatment Areas

    • Waistline
    • Arms
    • Neck
    • Back
    • Thighs
    • Abdomen
    • Buttocks

    Little Lipo for Hi-Def Liposculpture

    Little Lipo Hi-Def takes liposuction cosmetic surgery procedure to the next level. Liposculpture, doesn’t just remove fat deposits, but also focuses on reshaping the body for revealing the muscle tone underneath. Little Lipo Hi-Def offers customizable results. The treatment can reveal muscle definition and provide body toning in ways superior to traditional liposuction.

    Use of General Anesthesia

    Renuvion and Little Liposuction don’t require general anesthesia. The combined procedure can be performed under local anesthesia as well. You should discuss your situation with your surgeon during the initial consultation. The surgeon will recommend the right anesthesia for the procedure.

    Durability of Results

    The number of fat cells gets settled for the most part during adolescence. After the teen years, your body doesn’t develop new fat cells. Fat cells that are removed by Little Liposuction never return making the results long-term.

    Modern Body Contouring and Laser Center, led by board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Burton M. Sundin and Dr. Reps B. Sundin, provides safe and proven local anesthesia cosmetic procedures to patients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and surrounding communities.


    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit or click here to contact us.

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

    Local Anesthesia Procedures

    Awake Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Procedures Northern Virginia

    Modern Body Contouring & Laser Center offers less invasive body contouring and skin tightening procedures that can be performed using only local anesthesia. Innovative surgical and non-surgical techniques are used to achieve desirable results with less risk, less discomfort, and less downtime.

    Modern Body Contouring and Laser Center, led by board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Burton M. Sundin and Dr. Reps B. Sundin, provides safe and proven local anesthesia cosmetic procedures to patients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and surrounding locations.

    Little Liposuction with Renuvion

    Little Liposuction or in-office liposuction is a minimally invasive fat reduction procedure recommended for people that want to get rid of stubborn fat areas without undergoing an extensive surgery. The procedure can be performed under local anesthesia in-office. There is minimal downtime in Little Liposuction – 48 to 72 hours.

    Little Lipo can be combined with Renuvion J-Plasma skin tightening for treating areas that were earlier considered untreatable. The procedure makes use of cool helium plasma technology on lax or loose skin for creating an excellent skin tightening effect.

    Fat Grafting For Breast Augmentation

    The technique makes use of fat from your body for uplifting or enlarging the breasts instead of saline or silicone implants. Your doctor, through the procedure, will add volume to your breasts by harvesting fat from other areas of the body using liposuction. You can achieve long-lasting and natural results with structural fat grafting. The technique also results in limited scarring and minimal incisions.

    Fat Grafting of the Hip Dips

    Hip dips surgery is a plastic surgery procedure which involves removing or injecting fat in the thigh and hip area. The procedure is aimed at getting rid of indentations from the hip sides to leave a smooth, curved line from the thighs to the hips. Fat may be removed from the dip area for a more contoured appearance.

    Hand and Facial Fat Grafting

    Fat grafting procedure or fat transfer involves removing excess fat from certain body areas and inserting it into the hands or the face. The fat is inserted in areas that require plumping or volume. The fat is purified and treated before being injected using small and fine needles.

    The fat is also treated for preserving the stem cells that are present in the fat. The cosmetic surgery procedure results in natural-looking rejuvenation and a healthier glow. It reduces the signs of aging by restoring a younger look.

    Nano Fat Grafting

    Microfat grafting or nano fat grafting is a fat transfer procedure, which makes use of thin injection cannulas for smoothing out wrinkles and restoring youthful contours. The procedure improves facial skin quality. Small areas can be directly targeted since the needle is small and the fat concentration is smooth. This helps in creating natural looking results.

    Upper Blepharoplasty Fat Grafting

    Upper eyelid fat grafting allows for a fresher and younger look. You can look more youthful and alert without getting costly and painful double eyelid surgery.

    MyEllevate with Renuvion

    MyEllevate makes use of an innovative, light guided technology for precisely addressing the aging glands and muscles below the jawline skin. MyEllevate involves negligible skin removal and incisions for rejuvenating the jawline and neck. It can be combined with Renuvion J-Plasma technique for refining your skin and defining the jawline while reducing the visible signs of aging in the neck and lower face.

    Cosmetic surgeons at MBody receive patients from Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and nearby areas for innovative local anesthesia cosmetic procedures.


    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit or click here to contact us.

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

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