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    Natrelle INSPIRA Breast Implants by Allergan

    Natrelle INSPIRA Breast Implants by Allergan

    Natrelle INSPIRA Breast Implants by Allergan | Richmond | AshburnWith the introduction of a new line of Inspira breast implants, Allergan now offers three different lines of cohesive silicone gel implants under its brand Natrelle Inspira.
    The key advantage with this line of implants is that a highly cohesive implant provides more upper pole fullness and is better suited for petite women.
    Modern Body Contouring & Laser Center, led by stellar, focused, and board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin, provides the new range of Natrelle Inspira breast implants to patients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and other cities and areas in this part of the northeast.

    Appropriate Implants for a Woman’s Needs

    MBody offers the complete line of Natrelle Gel implants to its patients because no two women are alike. Natrelle Gel offers multiple sizes and projects, and each implant type is designed for a soft feel. Patients can find the fullness that is perfect for their body requirements.
    Gummy in Natrelle Inspira breast implants describes the consistency of the silicone gel in the implant. The gummy-like gel sticks together and holds its shape. Each implant in this collection has a different level of cohesiveness, or what surgeons may refer to as gumminess. For instance, Natrelle Inspira Cohesive is the gummiest round gel implant in the US.
    The best way to determine softness is to feel each implant during the consultation process. All breast implants in the Natrelle Cohesive Collection are soft with varying levels of squishiness. Choosing the right implant is more than just deciding on size. The surgeon will help the patient choose the best option based on her needs, wants, and unique body structure.
    Natrelle 410 gel breast implants offer a fullness that resembles a woman’s real curves. Designed with a teardrop shape instead of a round one, Natrelle 410 breast implants feature a gradually tapered slope that mirrors the curve of a woman’s breast. The implants are available in multiple heights, widths, and projections to give a shaped look that is just right for a woman.
    According to Allergan, over 96 percent of women with Natrelle 410 Shaped Gel Breast Implants were still satisfied after 10 years. That is an impressive number. It is special when you do something so many people favor and are satisfied with.  

    Benefits of Natrelle Inspira Implants

    Natrelle Inspira implants offer the same benefits as saline implants but without the drawbacks. The Natrelle Inspira implants are designed with a 95 percent fill on average, offering more projection at every width of the implant.
    The result is more fullness in the upper pole of the breasts. The softer gel varieties in these implants provide a more natural feel. If a woman prefers a slightly firmer, more cohesive implant, it will have benefit of minimal rippling and longer lasting shape.
    Natrelle Inspira implants are an ideal choice for many women who desire increased upper breast fullness or a rounder look, or have thin breast tissue. Women who need to undergo breast reconstruction may also choose these implants. MBody receives patients from Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and other locations in this geographical region of the nation for breast implant surgery.
    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

    VIP Plastic Surgery and Med Spa Services

    VIP Services

    VIP servicesPlastic surgery and med spa cosmetic procedures can produce transformative aesthetic results for a woman or a man. But some people may be reluctant to receive these procedures because of concerns of privacy, comfort, and time management. In some cases, the patient may want to avoid the inconvenience of travel to another city for a specialized procedure.
    To address these concerns, Modern Body Contouring & Laser Center (MBody) offers VIP plastic surgery and medical spa services. The practice receives patients from Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and surrounding locations in this part of the Atlantic coastline.

    Private Treatment Sessions

    MBody welcomes individuals or small groups of patients who are seeking a very discreet treatment environment to undergo their plastic surgery or medical spa procedures. Led by board certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin, MBody is one of the premier practices offering complete confidentiality and privacy to its patients.
    MBody goes the extra mile by offering to accommodate individuals or small groups of patients in an exclusive, private and discreet office environment. The office will be closed to ensure that the patient group can feel completely comfortable, and be assured for total privacy and exclusive care and attention from the surgeons and the staff. Entrance to the office is right off the parking garage exit. Additional fees may apply.

    After Hours MBody Med Spa Parties

    Patients who have a busy schedule or seek complete privacy and convenience while receiving med spa procedures such as Botox, dermal fillers or Coolsculpting can be a part of the unique after hours MBody Med Spa parties. Small groups of patients can receive aesthetic environment in an environment of personalized care and attention under the guidance and supervision of board certified plastic surgeons.
    Receiving cosmetic services in an exclusive setting among friends can make the entire treatment experience much more comfortable and enjoyable. Safety and sustainability of results continue to remain the highest priority at MBody while the group of patients goes through an individualized and professionally managed after hours injectable party experience.

    We will arrange an after-hours party with hor d’oeuvres, refreshment and group discounts on med spa services. Contact us today for details.

    Convenient Location for Outside Visitors

    MBody welcomes guests from outside and offers them state of the art VIP services and concierge support as far as possible. The practice is conveniently located, not far from Dulles Airport, and has some of the choicest hotels in its vicinity. The friendly staff at MBody is willing to support and guide the outside guests for any specific needs and assistance.

    Pricing and Other Details

    Patients should feel free to contact the office of MBody to receive details of special pricing and services for VIP plastic surgery and med spa services. Any questions or concerns of the patients will be addressed to their complete satisfaction.
    The profound and hardworking MBody provides cutting edge cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures to patients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and other cities and towns in this part of the state.
    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

    Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) Risks and Safety

    Eyelid lift plastic surgery is a relatively minor procedure, which can be performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia.
    The risk of complications is minimal as long as the procedure is performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. The patient must be prepared to diligently follow the pre- and post-surgical care instructions to minimize the risk of complications.
    Patients should note that eyes are the most sensitive area of the body, and even a minor cosmetic procedure related to the eyes should not be taken lightly. The surgeon will educate them about the potential risks and side effects of blepharoplasty during the initial consultation.
    Modern Body Contouring & Laser Center, led by the judicious, terrific, and board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin, provides eyelid surgery to patients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and surrounding communities and neighborhoods in this part of the eastern seaboard.

    Major Complications

    Three types of severe complications may potentially occur during or after eyelid lift plastic surgery. These include ectropian, hematoma and retinal detachment. While these complications are extremely rare, the patient should have clear information about them. Ectropian is a drooping effect that causes the lower lid to become inverted. A revision procedure can be performed to correct this condition.
    Hematoma involves the collection of excess fluid in the incision area underneath the skin. This risk can be higher when eyelid surgery is performed along with other procedures such as brow lift, facelift or another facial surgery. The surgeon can place small drain tubes below the skin in the incision areas to remove excess fluid and minimize the risk.
    In a rare situation, if the retina gets separated from the outer layers of the eye, a retinal detachment can occur. Holes or tears in the retina can cause this condition. Additional surgery may be performed to treat retinal detachment.

    Minor Complications

    A few patients may experience one or more of the following minor complications:

    • Infection
    • Excessive tearing
    • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
    • Dry eyes
    • Burning of the eyes
    • Unfavorable scarring
    • Appearance of whiteheads after suture removal
    • Difficulty in keeping the eyes closed while sleeping
    • Blurred or double vision

    These complications will often resolve on their own in some time, but the patient may have to receive some treatment if the problem persists or causes significant discomfort. Cutting edge, reliable, and plastic surgeons at MBody receive patients from Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and other cities and communities in The Mother of States for eyelid surgery.

    Side Effects

    Pain, Irritation or Discomfort
    The eyelids may feel tight, sore and painful as the anesthesia effect wears off. The surgeon may prescribe pain meds to keep the patient comfortable.
    Mild swelling in the incision areas can occur for the first three to five days. This can be addressed with ice therapy or cold compresses.
    Scars around the treated sites may appear more pronounced initially, but will fade over time and become inconspicuous to the casual observer.
    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

    Liposuction Revision Plastic Surgery

    Liposuction Revision Plastic Surgery | Richmond | Fairfax | LoudounIf the patient is dissatisfied with the body contouring outcomes of the primary liposuction plastic surgery, they may require a revision procedure to improve contours.
    A revision or secondary liposuction can often be more complicated corrective surgery, and the procedure should only be performed a fully trained and experienced surgeon.
    Revision liposuction can be performed using several techniques, and the surgeon will recommend the most appropriate surgical approach according to the patient’s unique needs. The prolific and state of the art Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery, led by board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin, provides revision liposuction surgery to patients in Richmond, Virginia, and surrounding communities in The Old Dominion.


    A frank discussion during the initial consultation with the patient will help the surgeon determine what problems and concerns the patient is facing with their primary liposuction, and whether they are a revision liposuction candidate. Patients who are unhappy with their self-image or their confidence is dented due to unsatisfactory body contouring results in the primary surgery may benefit from a secondary procedure.
    The candidate should be within 20 pounds of their optimal body weight, should be in good physical and emotional health, and have realistic expectations. They should be committed to maintaining a decent diet and exercise regimen after the revision liposuction surgery for maximal outcomes. If the patient consumes pizza after pizza and fried chicken piece after fried chicken piece they will soon negate the lipo surgery and could even be worse off.
    You do not want to consume more calories that you can or will be able to burn off or need on a daily basis.


    Revision liposuction plastic surgery is typically performed using general anesthesia. However, if the patient requires only minor improvement in contours in a specific area, local anesthesia with sedation may be used. The procedure may be performed on an outpatient basis. The anesthesiologist who administers general anesthesia will stay in the operating room to monitor patient response throughout the surgery.
    Before the surgery is started, the liposuction surgeon will mark the areas with a surgical marker to focus on areas that require revision or correction. Some areas may require fat reinjection or fat transfer, where excess fat loss may have occurred, while some other areas may require fat removal where the stubborn fat pocket is still lingering on.
    Once the patient is placed under general anesthesia, the surgeon will inject a saline solution containing a local anesthetic and adrenaline into the affected areas. They will create very small incisions in discreet locations for the insertion of the cannula. In areas of contour depression, fat reinjection or fat transfer will be performed to create consistent and uniform body contours.
    For fat removal, the surgeon will insert a blunt cannula through the incisions into the deeper tissue layers. In some cases, laser or ultrasound energy may be delivered to the fat tissue area to allow for melting of the fat and its less traumatic removal. Once the revision surgery is completed, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures, and cover the incisions with bandages.


    Recovery in case of revision liposuction surgery may take one to two weeks, depending on the extent of tissue correction performed.
    The patient will be required to wear a compression garment for several weeks to expedite healing and support new contour formation. Judicious and fully qualified plastic surgeons at VIPS receive patients from Richmond, Virginia, and other towns and neighborhoods in this area of the state for revision liposuction surgery.
    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

    Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) Consultation

    The first step in the blepharoplasty plastic surgery process will be to have a detailed consultation with the surgeon. The consultation will create the foundation for a successful surgery, and will enable the surgeon to make a customized eyelid surgery plan according to the patient’s unique anatomical and cosmetic goals.
    During the consultation, the patient will have the opportunity to learn all about eyelid surgery and make an informed choice.
    Modern Body Contouring & Laser Center, led by perspicacious, fabulous, and board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin, provides eyelid surgery to patients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and other towns and cities in this part of the country.

    Patient Education

    The surgeon will utilize the consultation process to educate the patient about various aspects of eyelid surgery and discuss the eyelid lift plastic surgery techniques and options available in their case. The patient should feel free to ask questions and clear all their concerns and doubts at this stage.
    They should also discuss the costs and whether any insurance and financing options may be possible. Learning about the procedure will improve the patient’s confidence and prepare them better for the surgery.

    Surgical Goal Setting

    At the outset, the surgeon will try to understand why the patient wants to undergo eyelid surgery, and what about their eyes may be making them unhappy. The surgeon will like to have complete clarity about the patient’s personal aesthetic needs and goals in order to be able to create a customized surgical plan to meet those goals in the most effective way.

    Evaluating the Patient’s Health

    The surgeon will go through the patient’s medical records to determine their fitness for eyelid surgery. They will examine the patient’s eye anatomy, skin type and degree of laxity in the eyelid area, and look for any untreated eye or skin infection.
    The patient should be forthcoming about any specific lifestyle habits such as smoking or drinking, and should inform what prescription or non-prescription medications and health supplements they may be currently using. This is not the time to be closemouthed – both sides need to be transparent here. You can talk to a doctor; they will keep everything you tell them to themselves.
    If the patient has undergone an eye procedure in the past, such as LASIK, they should inform the surgeon. In a few cases, the surgeon may order additional diagnostic tests or seek medical clearance from the physician. Profound and salient plastic surgeons at MBody receive patients from Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and other neighborhoods and towns across the landscape.

    Care Instructions

    To prepare the patient for the surgery as well as post-operative recovery, the surgeon will provide a clear set of care instructions. If the patient is a smoker, they will be required to stop the habit for at least a specified time period before and after the eyelid procedure. The surgeon may alter the schedule of some of the current medications for a few days in consultation with the doctor.
    During the consultation, the patient may also review eyelid surgery before and after photos, discuss the estimated costs of surgery, and look at some of the testimonials of past patients who have received a procedure at the practice.
    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

    Revision Plastic Surgery

    Revision Plastic Surgery | Richmond | McLean | Loudoun County | AshburnSometimes complications may result from the primary breast implant plastic surgery or liposuction body contouring surgery. This may make it necessary to have a revision surgery to remove or replace the breast implants or correct the anomalies caused in the body contours in the treated areas with liposuction.
    Revision procedures should only be performed by an experienced surgeon to achieve safe and desirable outcomes. The noteworthy and committed Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery (VIPS), led by board certified plastic surgeons Dr. Burton Sundin and Dr. Reps Sundin, provides revision surgery to patients in Richmond, Virginia, and surrounding communities in The Mother of States.

    Implant Replacement or Removal Surgery

    Breast implant replacement or removal may become necessary for a woman who has experienced capsular contracture, causing the implants to lose their shape, position or become damaged, hardened or rippled. The surgeon will perform breast implant replacement plastic surgery in a similar way to the primary breast augmentation procedure.
    The surgeon’s first preference will be to use the old incision lines to remove original implants and replace them with new ones. This will not create any new scars in other areas. However, if the patient wants implants of a different type, size or shape, the surgeon may have to customize implant pockets and create new incisions.
    If the patient only wants implant removal and not replacement, she may have to receive breast lift in conjunction with revision surgery. The implants and aging effects over time would reduce skin elasticity, causing the breasts to sag. Therefore, optimal outcomes in implant removal surgery may be achieved when the procedure is combined with a breast lift.
    The entire procedure can be performed using general anesthesia or IV sedation, and the patient will usually return home the same day of surgery. Surgeons usually recommend breast implant replacement instead of implant removal because the revision procedure becomes less complicated and reduces the risk of infection and bleeding.

    Revision Liposuction Surgery

    Secondary liposuction or revision liposuction can be a more complex procedure. The surgeon will choose the appropriate revision technique. If the contour deformity is significant, the surgeon may recommend traditional liposuction technique, which involves a suction process. In this procedure, a cannula will be inserted through incisions to replace or remove fat in the targeted site after it has been injected with saline.
    Laser and ultrasound assisted liposuction techniques may also be used to perform revision liposuction surgery. A cannula like device will be used to deliver the laser fiber or ultrasound waves to the affected areas that have been injected with saline. This allows for heating up of the deeper tissue to melt away unwanted fat tissue, which is then suctioned from the body.
    If excess fat tissue has been removed during the primary liposuction surgery, the body contour may be restored using fat transfer technique. Fat injections are used in this process to deliver harvested fat from donor sites to the targeted area. Patients in Richmond, Virginia, and other cities and suburbs in this part of the country have an opportunity to receive revision surgery procedures from golden, reliable, and board certified plastic surgeons at the Virginia Institute of Plastic Surgery.
    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

    Non-Surgical Facelift


    Silhouette InstaLift

    Face is the most visible part of the body, and it is also the most exposed to the rigors of the environment. Therefore, aging signs tend to show on the face earlier than other areas. While facelift surgery is a proven procedure to address facial aging, many people want to avoid surgery and seek effective non-surgical alternatives.
    Silhouette InstaLift is one of the most innovative and effective non-surgical procedures to reduce facial aging available to women and men who want to avoid facelift surgery. This minimally invasive “non-surgical facelift” is designed to create a subtle lift in the sagging mid-face and make a person appear more youthful.
    Modern Body Contouring & Laser Center (MBody), led by board outstanding and successful certified plastic surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin, offers cutting edge cosmetic procedures such as Silhouette InstaLift for facial rejuvenation. MBody provides Silhouette InstaLift to patients in Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and other communities.

    How does it Work?

    An advantage with a procedure such as Silhouette InstaLift non-surgical facelift is that it can be performed in an office setting, and does not require general anesthesia. The procedure involves the placement of safe biomedical cones and suture in the affected sagging areas of the face to produce a gentle lift and firmness in the facial skin.
    As the same suggests, the facial tightening of the sagging facial tissue is near-instant with the InstaLift technique. The procedure involves placement of the sutures in the deeper facial tissue, which helps trigger the fresh production of collagen in the deeper layers. It creates natural and sustainable facial volumizing as the new pockets of collagen slowly encapsulate the cones and sutures.
    The final results are more natural looking and long lasting because the collagen fibers continue to improve facial volume and help in stabilizing the facial tissue. The depleted mid-face is filled and the patient achieves a tighter and fuller facial appearance.


    The in-office Silhouette InstaLift non-surgical facelift can be completed in about 30 to 45 minutes. The treatment provider will first numb the affected area with a local anesthetic. This will be followed with a careful and targeted placement of the proprietary threaded cones of Silhouette InstaLift into the sagging facial tissue.
    Threaded cones will be placed with the help of small needles to ensure minimal bruising and discomfort. Following the targeted placement, the provider will position the cones bi-directionally with the openings facing each other. This will allow for gentle squeezing of the tissue and lifting of the mid-face contours.

    Recovery and Results

    The procedure does not involve any significant recovery. Mild bruising and swelling in the injection areas will quickly resolve on its own. The results are noticeable immediately, but will continue to improve over several months.
    The aesthetic results with Silhouette InstaLift can last for up to 18 months. Judicious and tremendous MBody receives patients from Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Loudoun, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Chevy Chase, Richmond, Fredericksburg, and other communities and suburbs in this part of the country for this procedure.
    For more information on the surgical and non-surgical procedures and treatments by Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. Reps Sundin and Dr. Burton Sundin please visit

    Serving Northern Virginia, Washington DC, Vienna, McLean, Fairfax, Loudoun County, Ashburn, Tysons Corner, Reston, Arlington, Fredricksburg, Chevy Chase, Potomac, Maryland Richmond, VA and surrounding communities.

    Northern Virginia Medical Spa | Plastic Surgery Center Northern Virginia Medical Spa | Plastic Surgery Center


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    Suite 210
    Richmond, Virginia 23229
    Northern Virginia Medical Spa | Plastic Surgery Center Northern Virginia Medical Spa | Plastic Surgery Center
    Northern Virginia Medical Spa | Plastic Surgery Center